Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wee Meng Chee should be charged!

Wee Meng Chee or Namewee who had disgraced Malaysia in the eyes of the world for spoofing the national song Negaraku had been questioned by the police for more than 3 hours yesterday.

Meng Chee however made a lame excuse of doing it to express his creativity and he did not have any ill intentions when he made the parody of the national anthem.

He also said he is not angry with the cops for calling him up and his job is to make music and their job is to catch people.

For me personally, the police's job is to catch people like him for touching on racial issues and religious sensitivities.

For godness sake if people like Meng Chee can make fun of the national anthem, other races, other religion and the police force in his rap song, what would others who sees that he can get away with it, will do next?

Meanwhile, Mohd. Kamarudin Md. Din, the Deputy Director of Siber Crime and Multimedia JSJK said that Meng Chee's statement was taken to facilitate a paper that had been opened under Akta Hasutan 1948.


Zahar said...

Dia bukan Melayu, macam mana nak charge dia. Kerajaan sekarang dalam fasa tunduk dan takut kepada bukan Melayu.

Cuba kalau lagu itu dirakam oleh seorang Melayu. Tak habis habis nanti dAP dan PKR serang dan akhirnya budak itu akan kena ISA. Tapi apabila orang mereka yang bikin, malah mereka paksa kerajaan mengatakan semua oke aja, budak ni tak salah. Dia budak lagi, mentah.

Sorry pun tak payah.

Anonymous said...

Read my view of Meng Chee's treachery here.

This punk should be dumped in a 3'x4' dog kennel and fed Teresa Kok's dog food.