Monday, August 4, 2008

Say no to money politics!

Money politics is bad. So when a leader from UMNO is caught for indulging in it, what is the reflection of the behaviour on UMNO itself?

UMNO disciplinary board should deal with the matter harshly for the survival of UMNO itself.

Corrupt people should not be allowed to be in UMNO because it will corrupt UMNO too.

The Anti Corruption Agency (ACA) is right to be involved in the connection with money politics during the ongoing branch meetings.

All of us know that Anwar Ibrahim is the person responsible for money politics in UMNO.

Therefore, a corrupt person like Anwar Ibrahim should not be allowed to win the by election in Permatang Pauh.

The end justifies the means cannot be used if UMNO wants to be free of money politics.

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